The Successful Content Creation Course
Create a sustainable social media strategy yourself?
The course is your cup of cappuccino with oat milk.
Spending hours on Instagram, forever scrolling to get inspiration, getting clueless what to post next, becoming confused and overwhelmed, is not getting you anywhere is it? It ends with no planning and no structure at all.
For your dream business you know it’s important to keep showing up and show your potential clients the life changing effect of your products and services on social media. However, coming up with content is draining you. You feel a writer’s-block and you don’t want to make the standard pushy sales content. Creating authentic content from your core values is what you aim for. Also, you are in drastic need of structure, focus and flow in your content creation strategy.
Let’s create more focus and flow in your social media strategy
The Successful Content Creation course will bring more energy, clarity and lightness into your business and your social media strategy. It will teach you to have fun on social media while staying true to yourself. After the course you will create content that you are extremely proud of and show the world who you really are. So, you can connect to your people, that catch your vibe and want to work with you the moment they get a glimpse of your content!
What would happen if Instagram felt light again?
I am here to help entrepreneurs with a sustainable content strategy that converts into paying customers. As a marketing expert I know like no other, that the basic concepts of marketing are important. I will teach them to you, but above all I want you to stay true to yourself and move at your own pace.
What does freedom mean to you? Get that straight and make moves in that direction with your strategy. I help you with a sustainable content strategy that stays fun and light, but at the same time will reach the goals you aim for in your business.
The results of the course
What if you could get your focus back?
What if you could see clearly again?
What if you learn how to come up with content?
What if you feel organized again?
What if you feel your energy flowing again?
What if Instagram starts to be fun again?
Hi, it’s Myrthe. The nomad social media coach that will teach you everything about a sustainable social strategy
Not so long ago, my business was unorganized, with no focus, and above all, I didn’t manage to turn any of my followers into paying clients. There was something I did completely wrong in my business.
But that little voice in my head keeps on going.
“You can do this; you will find your path.”
I decided to focus on one social media platform, Instagram. Slowly I found a way to come up with a strategy that worked for me, a sustainable strategy. And it worked, I was able to find my balance between turning followers into paying clients and being able to focus on the core of my business: my clients and students. Now I want to teach you the same.
Trust me, it will all become clear again.
Overview of the Course

Effective Strategy Building
You are going to learn about Instagram marketing. What works, what doesn’t. You are going to be able to pick my brain and look through my eyes how I see and perceive things in online marketing.

Building Authority
Here you will learn how to establish yourself as an authority figure, and you will learn how to create content via the LGL Instagram blueprint. How do you make a plan that suits you?

Content Brainstorm
I present you with a brainstorm session. Here I show you how I think and create with using the LGL Instagram blueprint as a basis. Personal branding is key.

Posting With Purpose
Learn the strategies behind posting that make a real difference within your business.

Label & Organize
Learn more about how to organize your content. To create one source where you will always have access to. To have everything in one place.

Learn how to put an automated system into place where you can organize your content planning and create flow.