Listen here to the LGL Podcast by Myrthe, and be inspired!

Listen here to the LGL Podcast by Myrthe, and be inspired!

You have a beautiful offer and know that social media is crucial,  but you struggle with connection and consistent sales

You have a course. I have the strategy and planning, to bring it to the people who need it!

You know your offer has the potential to change lives for the good but…

Creating content consumes so much time that you have to allocate time from other responsibilities in your business or in your personal life
You know your ideal client, but everything you communicate doesn’t fully connect with them.
You post consistently (whatever that means 😉 ) but you only see little results
You invested in social media courses before and the only thing you learned was to set up some content pillars, which didn’t get you any further

Good news! There is a way that works!

You are a coach, an online course creator, or a service provider.You have an incredible passion for your business, and you have all the expertise to support so many others, but creating connections on social media and selling your offer on a consistent base is a whole another game. 

The reason you started your online business was not to become a full-time content creator with little results. 

Every time you hit that post button you cross your fingers and you hope for the best… but the the results are so meeh that you get a bit demotivated because only 1 or 2 of your diehard fans seem to buy every single time.

Allow me to take the frustration out of your
social media marketing

Sell with using your own voice. Your offer is unique, and I know you put all the love in it to support many other beautiful souls. Together, we dive deeper into your offer(s) so that I can support you to set up a system so you can sell with personality and transparency.

Get rid of the content overwhelm and write content with ease without having the feeling that you need to take a bag of popcorn and cry while watching Mean Girls.

Attract Sign-me-up students and clients that talk about you at the next birthday party they are joining. You know, the really fun, good vibe parties.

The packages

Learning Connections & Consistent Sales - € 1495

When you want to create a stable foundation within your online business so you attract clients that you wanna hang out with on a Friday night.

3 months duration

2 months of personalized feedback


Step by step

  • Step-by-step action plan
  • 1 month of practicing consistency (30 days accountability and ideas via Telegram)
  • Getting to know your ideal client Masterclass
  • On brand Masterclass
  • 2 months of personalized content feedback
  • Selling on socials Masterclass
  • Weekly exercises to keep you going
  • Biweekly check-in calls

Perfect for: when you are already a business owner for over a year. You already sold some offers via social media but you have feeling the connections with your community and the selling could be improved.

Mastering Connections & Consistent Sales - € 3795

You want to become a pro in content creation, because you know how important social media marketing is for your business.

6 months duration

5 months of personalized feedback


Step by step

  • Step-by-step action plan
  • 6 months of accountability via Telegram (with 1 month of personalized content ideas)
  • Getting to know your ideal client Masterclass
  • On brand Masterclass
  • 5 months of weekly personalized content feedback
  • Selling on socials Masterclass
  • Selling on socials challenge
  • Weekly exercises to keep you going
  • Biweekly check-in calls

Perfect for: You want to be able to convert followers into clients, really get the hang of it and creating habits that stay. As a result you will hit post, every week without overthinking every move. Compare to your signature dance move that you do when you are out with friends. You just do it, just because you feel comfortable and know how to do it.

Do you have the feeling that you are in need of something else? Or you just want to have a small chat to see how i can support you?

You want to become a pro in content creation, because you know how important social media marketing is for your business.

“This is a must-have for all the online business owners out there!
I managed to get an increse of 23% on engagement over only 30 days, and i have 2 intake calls planned next week!

Thank you, Myrthe!”

How do we start?

Let's have a chat
  1. We’ll hop on a Zoom call and discuss all things business, goals, frustrations, challenges, and you spill it aaalll. (I will just listen) If it’s a YES on both sides, we will discuss how I can help you best and how long we both think is necessary to get things off the ground. 

2. After our chat, I will send you the details of the costs so we can make this the real deal. In the meanwhile, I already sent you some homework to get the first steps taken.


3. Together we hop on weekly calls to discuss the ‘homework’, plan of action and we have several evaluations how things are going. Oh, I will treat your business like its my own and I stick around the whole time, even if the full program is finished. I will check-in now and then to see how are you doing ofc! 

This is for you if

Have an online course, service, coaching program you want to show to the whole wide world

You feel like you just sounds like everyone else in the online space and you want to change that forever

You are open for change and are conscious that it takes time to implement new marketing strategies and see the results

You are not just starting out with your business. You have proven results, you have clients, and you have a story to share

You want to learn how to implement the consumer buyer journey into your social media so that you can say goodbye to only using content pillars as a content strategy.

This is not for you if

Like marketing that is standard and full of fancy business words

Don’t really know your offer yet and who you want to attract

Believe that social media isn’t really worth your investment and fancy discussing over prices (sorry that is not my style)

Haven’t made any sale yet. You got this a 100%, I know you have! We can talk after the first sale

Are hoping for sales on auto-pilot. This isn’t it. A good messaging and sales strategy helps but it is not that I am Hermoine Granger and can fix everything within your business by just using my magic.

Hi, I am Myrthe btw….

Nomadic Marketing Expert, Instagram Lover and Traveler

I am that person who creates content while lying down on the beach (sounds unhealthy, but I don’t experience it that way, for me, it is one of my passions where the content ideas just keep coming and coming).

Whether you are selling but feel like you sound like everyone else in the only space and thus a bit boring. Or that you know you need the full chabang on connecting on a deeper level with your audience, become more visible and reach more people that need your help. I can handle it all, and I am so ready to support you! The goal is to set you up and running so that after a 3-6 months you can do it all by yourself! (No worries, you can always check in with me, you are not going to lose me 🌼 )

Want to read my full story? Read it here! 

Imagine if..

Get THE “I know what I am doing and I am having so much fun factor back”!

Imagine that your social media doesn’t feel as another thing that you added to your to-do list. That it feels easy, because you figured out exactly what works and what doesn’t. You can now use your social media time effectively by seeing immediate results. Together we dive deeper into your story combined with buyer psychology all to resonate with your audience on a personal, fun, ‘your vibe’ level.

End result?

A social media presence that works FOR you instead of AGAINST you.

The social media hustling is over.

Now, let’s create a plan and a system that sticks so you can support as many people as possible.

That is what a great social media strategy does.

It speaks to your people. It creates ‘aha’ moments with them. It makes them feel like you know them.

And, in turn, they trust you. They buy from you. They tell their friends at a birthday party about you, because that is how enthusiastic they are!

That is what this 1:1 social media coaching can do for you.

Send me a message

What they say

I learned from you that not everything has to be perfect. You teach how to get closer to the ideal client and how to implement this in a content strategy by doing everything step-by-step which makes you evolve and grow in a natural way when it comes down to content creation. You always ask interesting questions that make me think and puts me into action mode.

– Eveline

I am so excited! This has already helped me so much. After our last meeting I walked away listening to my gut feeling more. Knowing I need to niche down a bit more and I have a whole new idea on where to start and how I want to do that. Thank you so much!

– Joanna – The Sustainable Phoenix

Frequently Asked Questions

Are we going to dive deep into every social media platform?

No, we are not. We are mostly focusing on Instagram and Facebook but know that everything you will learn in this coaching program you can apply to every other social media platform out there! This is because we dive deeper into different buyer types and the consumer buyer behavior which is literally applicable in every platform.

Do you offer Social Media Management?

Unfortunately not anymore. I will walk with you the whole way when it comes down to social media management, but I want you to be able to do it all by yourself before you decide to let it take over by someone else. If you are looking for someone that is about scheduling, posting and managing your account then a social media manager would be a better fit for you!

What if i need something that's not listed above? Or a combination of those?

Pop in a message and let’s have a chat to figure out how I can support you!